Tag: dementia care

The WHY of Resident Engagement

The WHY of resident engagement is to help older adults find meaning in their lives and stay connected to their purpose regardless of their interests or cognitive changes.

The Key to Unlocking Dementia

The opportunity to engage with our surroundings meaningfully each day is a basic human right. The freedom to do this must be protected by providers who are serving older adults in our industry.

“Dementia is Not My Problem”

What is Purposeful Engagement?

It is time for the senior care industry to take note of how preserving a person’s agency in the care process is a necessary component of purposeful engagement.

High Engagement Associated with Positive Health Outcomes

Through their research, Linked Senior has highlighted how residents that are engaged based on their current needs and preferences experience better health outcomes than those who are not engaged in that way.

Preparing for Next Phase of Rules of Participation