Tips to keep your Activity Programs Thriving!!

Activity Professionals, along with the Administrators, Marketers, Admission coordinators and Business Office Managers often label their success based on numbers. Though the purpose behind though numbers may vary from department to department, they are by no means less important. Numbers can help keep track of progress and show where the weaknesses are in each department and drive one to do more to keep things moving up.


Track your numbers:

By tracking your attendance you will be able to evaluate your programs to see what works best within your community. As all communities, populations vary from location to location. Make sure that your programs reflect your residents’ interest, and if you see that attendance is sliding in one of your programs, make adjustments or try planning a different type of programs.


Try catchy titles:

The names and titles of your programs can often times make or break your attendance records. It has been shown that people are more likely to attend programs and events that have a catchy title or that spark interest in them. By doing so you are provoking residents into asking questions to find out more about the program, which in turn may just be the thing to encourage them to come and check it out. Try some of these out for examples:

For outdoor programs ~ Fun in the Sun

Cooking Groups ~ Cooking Corner or Cooking Creations

Men’s Program ~ Men at Work

Exercise Program ~ Sit & Be Fit

Audio Sensory Program ~ Sounds of the Sea


Make your invitations upbeat:

Excitement draws attention! If you are not excited about your Activity programs, your residents probably won’t be either. The key to gaining more yes’s to your invitations is all about your approach. Residents need to have a good idea of where they are going and what they will be doing before accepting your invitation so be sure to clue them in as to what they are going to be attending. Try saying, “Good morning Mr. Jones! We are about to put our Men to Work in building bird houses and I could really use your help. Would you like to join me for a little bit?”


Continue to ask, even if you know the answer :

Some residents, no matter how hard you try, will often times always refuse your invitation no matter how exciting you make it. Remember that even if a resident always turns you down, it is important to continue asking. By doing so you are offering a chance to build a personal relationship with these residents and you are showing them that you care about their wellbeing. Determination often pays off, and it is important to remember, even if they only join you in one program a month, they are still joining you.


“Variety is the Spice of Life”:

Though routines and schedules are nice and provide a sense of comfort, a life without spontaneity and with repetition can often lead to feelings of boredom. Scheduling specific programs on certain days and times are all fine and well, but it may serve you best to be sure that every Monday throughout the month does not look like the previous one. Try altering some of the regular scheduled programs to where you can implement new programs. By offering new programs and stepping away from repetition, you are allowing your residents to open their minds to new concepts, perspectives, activities, and scenarios. Variety and spontaneity are great ways explore the possibilities of new interests at any age!